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HomeGamingA Guide to the Best Gaming Conventions of 2023

A Guide to the Best Gaming Conventions of 2023

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A Guide to the Best Gaming Conventions of 2023

Gaming conventions are an opportunity to meet other gamers, try out the latest games, and find some great new merchandise. They also boost your social media presence if you share news from them or attend one yourself!

In 2023, there are a few major gaming conventions that you won’t want to miss. Whether you’re a fan of video games, board games, or cosplay, there’s a convention for you!


EGX is one of the biggest gaming conventions in the world, and it’s happening at ExCeL London this September! Whether you’re interested in playing games, getting tips on your gaming career or just going to have a fun day out with your family, EGX is definitely an event worth visiting.

The show is full of upcoming games, panels and numerous fun activities. There’s also a retro zone for old and rare machines, a Nintendo section, a Gauntlet area and loads of competitions.

As well as all this, there’s a plethora of influencers and youtubers to watch, and there are plenty of demos for up-and-coming games and existing titles that are coming out next year! Plus, there are lots of opportunities to win prizes!


ChinaJoy, which is one of Asia’s largest gaming conventions, is set to take place from 26th to 29th July 2018. This year, attendees will have the chance to experience a number of innovative games and new technology.

The event also provides opportunities for business development and networking. It offers a Pitch and Match meeting system that allows developers and publishers to meet potential partners.

Another great thing about this expo is that it has a dedicated online version called “ChinaJoy Plus.” This platform allows players to watch live broadcasts and short videos of the event.

At the event, we spotted a wide range of new eSports display technologies and products. For example, Chinese eSports monitor maker BOE showcased a prototype model with a record-high refreshing rate of 480 Hz.

Eurogamer Expo

EGX, or Eurogamer Expo as it is known in the UK, has become one of the biggest gaming conventions in the world. It offers game demos, expert panels, and booths from prominent figures in the industry.

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It also has plenty of eSports tournaments for people to compete in. In addition, the expo has a dedicated space for indie developers and their upcoming games.

The UK expo has also become famous for its nerdy shopping area where gamers can pick up their favourite t-shirts and gadgets. It is a great way to get a closer look at the hottest new titles and see what games are coming out next year.

The event also features PlayStation VR and Steam VR headsets that are available to try. However, you need to book ahead in order to get your hands on these.


DreamHack is one of the largest gaming festivals in the world. Founded in Sweden in 1994, it was originally a festival for the country’s demoscene, a subculture that encourages programmers to create highly stylized computer programs.

Throughout the years, DreamHack has arranged festivals, events and competitions in many different locations across Europe and North America. These include esports tournaments, knowledge and creative competitions, music acts, lectures, Internet & game culture, cosplay, the fair DreamExpo, and much more.

Whether you’re admiring cosplay costumes, participating in tournaments, watching pros compete, learning to stream, attending panels, eying artwork, or testing technology at the expo, DreamHack offers an unforgettable experience for gamers and the entire family of fans. In 2023, the company is bringing its world tour to 12 cities, including debut stops in San Diego and Makuhari.

Taipei Game Show

Taiwan hosts one of the world’s largest gaming conventions, Taipei Game Show, which brings together industry executives and gamers to explore the latest technology and games. Its extensive selection of games includes console and PC titles, mobile games, VR/AR, and live-stage events.

The expo will feature more than 275 game developers from 25 countries that will use 1,150 booths. It will also showcase 250 games, gaming peripherals, and esports gear.

In addition to the games on display, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in cosplay competitions and esports tournaments. The expo will also have an online program.

The event is free to attend, and it is an excellent place to get up-close with some of the hottest games of the year. The show also has a huge lineup of indie games and hardware, as well as a variety of merchandise to buy.


Gamescom is one of the world’s biggest gaming conventions. It’s also a great place to network and form new business acquaintances.

Its opening night live showcase is a major highlight of the event and serves up world premieres and announcements for many games. This year’s conference saw a number of big reveals including a trailer for Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters and a world exclusive for Life is Strange: True Colors.

Gamescom is a huge trade fair that attracts more than 370,000 visitors. Its exhibits cover a wide range of topics, including entertainment, indie, retro, cosplay, business and many more. It has a special area dedicated to indie developers. It also offers an extensive expo portfolio and critical education events.

Tokyo Game Show

The Tokyo Game Show is one of the largest gaming events in the world, drawing visitors from around the globe. It features a huge number of booths for major game companies, and also offers gamers the chance to play games from small independent publishers and development studios.

It’s also a great place to check out some of the latest technology and software in the industry. The event is packed with presentations from major publishers and developers who give their fans a chance to play upcoming games and make announcements.

It’s also a good place to shop for gaming accessories, clothes, and other goods that aren’t available in stores. Buying these at the Tokyo Game Show helps save time and money, as many items are only sold at this event.

PAX West

PAX West is one of the most popular gaming conventions in North America. It features thought-provoking panels, a massive expo hall, game demo opportunities, and a community experience unlike any other.

Despite its scaled-back appearance this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was still an exciting event for gamers. And with its return next year, fans can look forward to even more fun events and gaming opportunities.

The Diversity Lounge aims to help those who identify as LGBTQ+, women, and other underrepresented groups find a safe space to network with other attendees. It also offers organizations that support these groups the chance to table their services.

Games for Change

Games for Change is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that empowers game creators and social innovators to drive real-world impact through games. It works with technology and gaming companies, nonprofits, foundations and government agencies to run world class events, public arcades, design challenges and youth programs.

They’re also known for their annual Games for Change Festival, the biggest gaming event in New York City that brings together leaders from the video game industry and other sectors to discuss the positive social impact of games.

The yearly event has become increasingly popular, leading the mayor’s office to declare June 28 as Games for Change Day. The organization has been focusing on the social impact of video games for nearly two decades and continues to grow in popularity.

This year, the organization has stepped up its focus on virtual reality. Its president, Susanna Pollack, shared her thoughts on the topic at G4C Europe’s VR/AR/MR for Impact conference earlier this month.


The San Diego Comic-Con is a four-day convention featuring a huge exhibit hall, hundreds of panels and events. Many of these panels feature stars and offer exclusive announcements or previews of upcoming movies, TV shows, and games.

SDCC takes place from Wednesday, July 20 through Sunday, July 24 at the San Diego Convention Center. It is an event that features big Hollywood studios, small comic book companies, and even a few mom-and-pop shops selling their latest toys.

The show’s biggest draw is the Exhibit Hall, which has more than 550 exhibitors and nearly half a million square feet of space. This allows them to sell exclusive merchandise, host celebrity signings, and attract a large crowd of fans.

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