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The Future of Augmented Reality Gaming

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The Future of Augmented Reality Gaming

Augmented reality gaming is a type of interactive multimedia that uses digital elements and the environment around the player to display virtual objects on real life. These games typically utilize devices like smartphones or tablets to project digital objects onto real landscapes.

Pokemon Go was the gaming industry’s initial major AR breakthrough, becoming immensely popular in 2016. This game proved that augmented reality could provide gamers with an immersive and captivating experience.


Augmented Reality Gaming is a revolutionary new technology that is revolutionizing how we interact with the world. It can be an effective tool for improving customer satisfaction, efficiency and productivity across various industries such as education, healthcare and retail – just to name a few!

To make the experience more immersive, AR applications add digital content to existing physical environments that is viewed through the user’s eyes. Common augmented reality technologies like markerless, SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) or WebAR allow virtual objects to be placed into real-world settings.

The cost of developing an augmented reality app varies based on its scope and complexity. Factors like your hiring arrangement, number of developers you require, and required timeline all impact the final cost.

According to your budget and requirements, you have two options for developing your team: build one in-house or outsource it to a company. The latter is more costly as you must cover recruiting costs, rent an office space, provide salary and benefits – all at your expense.

Companies with a large and active client base may want to consider an in-house development team, while smaller startups with limited resources should outsource the entire project to highly experienced experts. Hiring costs vary significantly between regions depending on the level of expertise and experience your chosen team can bring to your project.

Are you interested in discovering how Tekrevol can assist your AR game project reach new heights with strong market research, stunning design, skilled development and everything else necessary for success in the AR market? Get in touch today for more information!

At our full-service mobile app development agency, we have earned a reputation for delivering top-quality solutions. We specialize in crafting apps for a wide range of audiences.

Our clients come from all industries and are looking to enhance their productivity, boost sales, and enhance the customer experience. Through immersive technologies such as AR, we have enabled them to streamline processes and provide a more personalized service for their customers.

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Media habits in our world are rapidly evolving. New devices and services enable consumers to adjust their expectations and behaviors quickly, including within the gaming industry. Indeed, many gamers are so addicted to their smartphones and tablets that they play video games at nearly the same rate they watch TV or listen to music – an unsustainable level of addiction!

However, with the arrival of augmented reality (AR) technology, gaming is about to undergo a transformation. AR will offer players an entirely new dimension in their digital content experience that they have never experienced before.

Virtual reality (VR), on the other hand, presents users with an entirely fictional world. AR enhances reality by 75 percent virtual and 25 percent real, making it ideal for mobile use in a highly-connected world.

AR is widely popular, with two popular games developed by Niantic: Pokemon Go and Ingress. Both utilize GPS technology to interact with ‘portals’ corresponding to real-world landmarks.

Pokemon GO and Ingress both utilize virtual environments that can be viewed through the camera of your smartphone to take you on exciting journeys in real life. Pokemon GO uses a virtual environment viewed through your phone camera to guide players through an adventure in the virtual world, while Ingress takes gamers into an alien-infested Earth and challenges them against other players. Both games have proven immensely popular, suggesting that AR gaming has only just begun.

This type of game offers a more realistic and immersive experience than many other video games. You can interact with the virtual world in various ways, from using your earphones to shaking your head to moving objects.

These games can be highly entertaining and thrilling to play, as well as improving your social life by bringing you closer with friends. Furthermore, they have the power of education and motivation that you may find lacking elsewhere.

Augmented reality gaming is also an excellent opportunity for museums to spruce up their collections. Some establishments have taken steps to convert classic paintings into digital artworks so visitors can view these works from various perspectives and get a fresh perspective.


Augmented reality gaming is an innovative field of technology that seamlessly blends real world and virtual environments. This cutting-edge concept can be employed for various purposes such as entertainment, retail sales, or even education.

VR games require special headsets and hardware to experience them, whereas AR games can be played within a user’s existing environment. This makes them more accessible to newcomers to gaming while offering an affordable alternative to VR gaming.

Interactivity is a core aspect of AR games, which can be enhanced using various techniques. For instance, QR codes and fiducial tags provide anchor points in physical spaces to anchor the game accurately to its environment and give accurate representations.

Players may find it easier to locate items and interact with them in a game, making the environment more challenging as players must use both their senses and brains to navigate through it.

Although many AR gaming experiences are still in their early stages, these technologies are becoming more and more commonplace. This has created a need for new AR gaming apps and games, as well as more sophisticated technology to meet this demand.

As a result, the global augmented reality gaming market has experienced tremendous growth over the past several years. According to IMARC Group, this sector will reach US$ 8.4 Billion in 2022 and expand by 30.2% between 2023-2028.

The future of AR gaming lies in creating truly engaging experiences for users. These types of games will offer players an unmatched experience and help them meet their learning objectives more successfully.

In addition, AR games will be more socially engaging as they enable users to engage with others, providing an opportunity for collaboration and teamwork. This feature of AR games has been proven effective at cultivating a sense of community among gamers and encouraging social interaction – which has been proven beneficial for health and wellbeing promotion.


Flexibility is a crucial aspect when designing games. With AR, the gaming world is rapidly advancing, so it’s up to developers to stay abreast of trends and create innovative titles.

The versatility of AR gaming enables game designers to utilize the newest technologies and incorporate them into their titles for engaging experiences. As a result, the augmented reality gaming market is expected to expand at an impressive clip in the future.

An excellent example of an augmented reality game is Pokemon Go, which blends a virtual world with the real one by adding Pokemon and other details to its environment. Players can roam around their own city or explore a new one while searching for Pokemon and hunting them down with their phones.

Although this type of augmented reality gaming is relatively new, it’s rapidly becoming the go-to choice for many gamers. Not only is it enjoyable and social, but you can play with friends too, making for an incredibly social experience.

Adventure games often use GPS technology to let players explore the real world, making them highly immersive and challenging yet difficult to stay motivated in because the gameplay revolves around a quest that requires exploration and problem-solving. These titles usually offer great rewards but require players to invest time into mastering the gameplay in order to progress further.

Another way to interact with the world is through city-building games, an exciting form of AR gaming. These titles utilize technologies like GPS and artificial intelligence to construct cities and give users a sense of control over them.

Players can walk through an airport and observe airplanes swooping overhead, even seeing their pilots! Just as in real life, these characters can interact with them just like anyone else would in such a virtual setting.

AR is an immersive new way to experience the world, ideal for those who don’t want to wear full-body VR headsets.

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